Monday, April 20, 2009

Republican Liberalism

I have to agree Dragger concept of Republican Liberalism. On page 179, he quote, “Republican Liberalism encourages people to search for a common ground by acting as citizens; the politics of difference tells them to ‘stand in different social locations,’ which leads directly to “stalled decisionmaking.” Even though, this might be a theory and people can argue that this cannot work or cannot exist, this theory of Republican Liberalism seems to be better than what we currently have, which is, the idea of a single republican is or libertarian. Both of these two, lacks the other characteristics of what it means to be a citizen. Republican Liberalism is a theory, if not, the ideal identity of a citizen. A common ground or goal within individuals or community seems to be better than the idea of an individual, only caring about him/herself or a person, who more value in others than him/herself.

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